Maybe you know it already: last week JSR 349 successfully passed the review ballot, meaning that the work on a new release of the Bean Validation API has officially started.
I'm really excited about this, because I've got the pleasure to be part of the JSR 349 expert group. I haven't been member of such a comitee before, so I guess this will be exciting times and I'll surely learn a whole lot of new things during the work on the specification.
What's most important right now is your feedback: what new features would you like to see included in Bean Validation 1.1, what problems did you face when working with BV 1.0 which you think should be addressed in the next release?
Your input and feedback is highly welcome at several places:
- The Bean Validation feedback forum is a good platform for discussing ideas, requests for clarifications etc.
- For concrete feature requests or bug reports you can open an issue at the Bean Validation issue tracker
As a starting point you might want to check out these two blog posts by Emmanuel Bernard (the Bean Validation spec. lead), where a lot of possible features are discussed.
Finally I'd like to point your attention to, the JSR's official web site. There you'll find everything related, e.g. a news section, the road map and also the Bean Validation 1.0 spec. document for reference.
Now it's up to you – tell us what would YOU like to see included in Bean Validation 1.1.