I need your help.
To be more concise, I need your vote for the 2011 JBoss Community Recognition Awards.
These awards are an effort of JBoss/Red Hat to honor significant contributions to the JBoss community over the last year and I'm more than proud to say that I've been nominated in the "New Features" category for my contributions to Hibernate Validator.
So if you appreciate my work on Hibernate Validator – e.g. the HV annotation processor or the method validation feature I've built for HV 4.2 – or the Validation module for Seam 3 (I'll blog on this in a separate post) I've recently started, just head over to the poll and give me your vote. The voting is open until April, 2nd.
And if you really like my work, go and tell your friends that they should vote for me, too.
Just in case you feel like you need some more information to make a profound vote you might also check out my nominee description.
Another nomination I'd like to mention is the one of my fellow developer Kevin Pollet in the "Bug Fixes" category. He has done some really awesome work for HV 4.2. Besides fixing many bugs he implemented several new features like the integration with the Joda time API or the support for dynamic default group sequence definitions.
So when you (and your friends) have voted for me, don't forget to vote for Kevin, too :)